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Pride Donation Drive

I was scrolling through my newsfeed this morning and I was sadly unsurprised by the number of posts outright vilifying or just missing the point of PRIDE. In years past I would have been shocked but this year has shown all of us that the fight for respect and basic human decency is somehow not over.

Even though I am not surprised, I am saddened. I spent the morning thinking about what I could possibly do. I am a big fan of casual acts of kindness. When I have enough to share, I share and I don't broadcast it or make some huge deal out of it. (You can imagine putting this post out there feels a little gross to me)

Here's my problem- Love My Dog Trainer is just a baby business and it's just getting up on two feet. I've been doing well, and I can totally make a small quiet donation myself. But I'm not doing so well that I can give as much as I really want to.

The solution I have landed on- Donation Matching! I can match the first $500 in donations to a LGBTQIA+ charity of your choice.

Here's how it's going to work:

Choose a charity, advocacy group, association, organization or even a politician that is doing ACTIVE work that directly benefits LGBTQIA+ people.

  1. Make your donation.

  2. Send me a SCREENSHOT of your payment confirmation at

  3. I will match your donation after vetting your chosen charity for legitimacy.

At the end of June, whatever is left of my $500 matching fund will be donated to one•n•ten, a local Phoenix non-profit dedicated to serving and assisting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth and young adults.

If you are a fellow ally and aren't sure where to donate, here are a few additional local options:

Equality Arizona- Champions of political and civic advocacy fighting for change and representation

Aunt Rita's Foundation- On a mission to end HIV in Arizona through collaborative healthcare initiatives.

GLSEN Arizona- Advocates for safe, supportive, and LGBTQ-inclusive K-12 education.

I know this is not much, but it's what I can do with the resources and platform I have! Help me stretch my donation a little farther!

Thank you!

Becky Maxwell CPDT-KA


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